Kids R Us Nursery
Policies, an overview​​
Within our nurseries we have policies which reflect the current government legislation, The EYFS curriculum and the varying needs of those who use our setting and in our community. All policies are available for parents and carers both present and perspective to look at whenever they wish. All policies are updated on a yearly basis however will be updated as and when government policy changes. ​
​Policies and Procedures​
Behaviour management policy​
Our nursery believes that children flourish best when they are free to play and learn without fear of being hurt or unfairly restricted by anyone else. Children benefit most where adults adopt a consistent and positive approach to their behaviour by setting clear boundaries according to the child's level of understanding, children are also aware of the settings routines and procedures.
Aim - We aim to provide and environment in which there is acceptable behaviour and where children learn to respect themselves, other people and their environment. We aim to work in a calm and supportive manner to address unwanted behaviour, ensuring that the strategies used or consistent to give the child continuity. ​
Biting policy​
Here at our nursery we strive to set up an environment that will serve to decrease incidents of biting, (adult/child ratios etc). However, despite these best efforts, whenever younger children arr grouped together it is inevitable that biting will occasionally occur. If a child is having a problem with biting the staff will work with the parents and staff team (a strategy will be provided) to try and resolve the issue together. We require adults to recognize that young children are learning to deal with a wide range of emotions and feelings, we need to acknowledge these and work with the children to find a positive constructive solution in ways which are appropriate to there age and stage of development. ​
Confidentiality policy​
It is our intention to respect the privacy of children, their parents and carers, while ensuring that they access high quality nursery care and education. Also to respect any information handed over to us by the staff, students and those mentioned above. We aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children. That staff and students can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used for their individual development needs and training. ​
Health and safety policy​
Our policy us in line with the health and safety act 1974. The nursery believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance. We make our nursery a safe and healthy place for staff and volunteers. We aim to make children, parents and staff aware of health and safety issue and to minimise the hazards of risks to enable children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment. Each setting has a named person responsible for health and safety. ​
Our nursery is committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children, families and also practitioners. We also ensure that every child is valued as a unique individual and supported to be fully involved in all aspects of our nursery life and curriculum. ​
Parental involvement policy​
We believe that children benefit most form nursery education and care when parents, carers and nurseries work together in partnership. Our aim is to ensure we support parents and carers as their children's first and most important educators, involves parents in the life of the nursery an their children's education, to support parents in their own continuing education and personal development, to ensure that privacy and confidentiality is always maintained and to ensure that we work in partnership with the parents, cares to meet their child's individual needs. ​
Policy on play​
In our setting we believe children learn best through experiencing a multitude of activities and being given the opportunity to learn to use a variety of equipment. We do this by ensuring that all activities encourage and aid the children in the development of skills in all of the areas of learning Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Whilst ensuring that the children gain awareness and skills we will ensure that we encourage them to explore with the use of the following tools, scissors metal and plastic, cutlery, wooden hammers, garden paraphernalia, hole punchers, rolling pins and cutters. This is to name a few. We believe it is important to provide the children with a range of construction materials. ​
Settling in to nursery policy​
We want children to feel safe and happy in nursery and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children's well being and their role as active partners with the nursery. We aim to make nursery a welcome place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families. ​
Special educational needs / disability policy​
We provide an environment in whish all children are supported to reach their full potential and ensuring that each child is valued as an unique individual and supported to be fully involved in all aspect of our Nursery life and curriculum.
We ensure that children who experience barriers to play learn and participate is supported and seen as a responsibility of all staff. We have regard for the DfES Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. We include all children in our provision and we ensure that every child is valued as a unique individual and supported to be fully involved in all aspect of our Nursery life and curriculum.
We provide practitioners to help support parents and children with special educational needs (SEN)/disabilities. We identify the specific needs of children with SEN/disabilities and meet those needs through a range of strategies. We work in partnership with parents and other agencies in meeting individual children's needs.
We monitor and review our practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments. We encourage participation from both children and parent/carer in making decisions about the nursery policy and procedures as well as implementing the Early Year Foundation stage/Birth to three matters. We ensure that the views of the child is sought and taken into account.
Child protection policy​
Our nursery recognises that the welfare, safety and protection of our children are paramount and we work with children, parents and the community to ensure that this is implemented in our nursery environment.
Staff recognise their responsibilities towards children in their care, they are aware of their individual roles and understand the procedures they must follow if they suspect abuse or neglect.
We aim to create an environment in our nursery which encourages children to develop their full potential promoting positive positive self image, regardless of race, age, language, religion, culture, gender or sexuality, health or disability, location or placement, any criminal behaviour, political or immigration status.
Late and non collection of children policy
Our Nursery is open Monday- Friday between 7.30 am and 6.00 pm. Times are set and form part of the Nursery contract/ terms and conditions.
We do understand that on occasion there can be issues that can cause you to collect your child from nursery late, such as traffic and other emergencies. If this is the case we ask that parents/carers call the nursery and inform them of this, giving a rough estimate of how late you will be.
If parents/carers regularly collect their child late from nursery this causes the setting issues with staffing expenses. Therefore, the following Late Collection Fees will be charged where children are persistently being collected late from Nursery.
5 Minutes Late £5.00
10 Minutes Late £10.00
15 Minutes Late £15.00
The rate is £1.00 per minute.
In the event that an authorised adult does not collect a child, we will ensure that the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible. We inform parents/carers of our procedures so that if they are unavoidably delayed, they will be reassured that their children will be properly cared for.
Missing child policy
Statement of intent
At Kids R Us Nursery we ensure that our children are safe and well catered for at all times. We account for where our families are at all times to ensure they are safe and secure. In the event of a child going missing whilst in our care, the nursery will put into practice agreed procedures. These ensure the child/ren are found with haste and all the relevant parties are contacted.
In the event that a child is missing we will do everything in our power to find (said) missing child/ren, by contacting the relevant parties- informing parents.
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team to view the full folder of polices and procedures at Kids R Us Nursery